​Go take a hike!

The Cherry Valley National Wildlife Refuge is a National Wildlife Refuge in Monroe County, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania’s Cherry Valley is rich in natural resources and wildlife diversity. Cherry Creek flows through southern Monroe County in northeastern Pennsylvania, flowing into the Delaware River.   .....Read more


The Aquashicola Pohopoco Watershed Conservation was organized in 2002.  Volunteers monitor several different sites for water quality, participate in stream clean-ups, roadside clean-ups, and share their knowledge and experience with others.  We normally meet 6 times a year at the Polk Township Municipal Building (if the weather is bad we do a virtual meeting) where we get together to  plan educational and community events  to be held throughout the year, report on water quality and monitor for threats of pollution, engage in improvement plans such as planting riparian barriers to protect runoff into the streams,  and most of all -- enjoy time with other members who appreciate and value our watershed.  Check out the Newsletter for upcoming dates.  Better yet, subscribe to the newsletter so you can keep in touch with us and be updated with our latest events.

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Exceptional Value Stream

          ..... Why this is important to you!!

The Poconos region attracts millions of people to its scenic and natural beauty, as well as to its many local businesses. We are proud of the mutually beneficial relationship that has been built between business and the environment, a relationship that provides for good jobs and wholesome family recreation. But many of our clean, fishable streams are now being threatened by powerful business interests who would rather pollute them than invest in updated technology and engineering practices that would protect our streams. As local business owners, hunters, anglers, hikers, conservationists, and community members, we demand that our clean streams, which support a healthy economy, remain a priority for our community.

 ... Read more



               Warehouses, the Latest Threat to our Area

If one drives Northward from Route 78 in Northampton County on Route 33, the landscape has changed dramatically from just ten years ago. Huge, ugly, oversize boxes called warehouses (many not fully occupied)  dominate the view instead of fields and tree lines. Once a common sight on many lamposts, Red Tail hawks are few and far between. With the land paved and built over, there is no longer a place for them to hunt.

There is a growing number of proposed warehouses in Monroe and Carbon counties.  One area of concern is in Coolbaugh Township. A proposed 426,000 sf distribution center is in the process of going through approval.  Coolbaugh Township is literally under siege by corporate interests to build multiple mega warehouses here. Some of the proposed locations are zoned Industrial and already have the infra-structure in place along with other distribution centers in that location. But there are some proposals that are trying to go for land that is not part of the Industrial Park. In the case of the 426,000 SF warehouse, there is no public sewer service.


Spotted Lanternfly

Pretty ..... or Pretty Invasive!!

The spotted Lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (White)  is an invasive pest threatening Pennsylvania's grapes, apples, stone fruits, and logging industry.  Monroe County is in the quarantine area along with many more counties in Pennsylvania.  Find out what you need to know!  Read more.....
